My first year gardening in Alberta, I thought I'd start my own tomato seeds. It was a pathetic mess. They got lanky and fell over and were generally not usable. So the next year I bought a small greenhouse at the local hardware store and set it up in one of our tall south-facing windows. It works like a charm. I start all my seeds in it and they thrive in there.
As do other things. The first thing to sprout every year is fuzzy ....
Our cat, Jack. Enjoying the warmth and sunshine in the greenhouse.
I also have some pumpkins sitting in our basement. My plan was to cut them up and can them - but they are a little past their prime, so last week I cut one open to get the seeds. Several of them were germinating in the pumpkin, so I planted them. It's early for squash. I think you want to go more like 3-4 weeks before the last frost - we're more like 10 weeks out, but they were ready to go. I'll have big plants when they are ready to put into the ground.
I also started basil today.
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