We moved last year. And we knew we were moving before it was even time to plant tomato seeds. So I took a year off - entirely off from starting seeds, and mostly off for the garden. Only planted a couple of things and the size of the garden was much smaller. For 8 summers I first tried, and then succeeded in growing tomatoes from seed. It's tricky. But not that hard. As long as you have the right light for it.
I used to have a beautiful, south-facing room with six side-by side large windows - two on the west and 4 on the south. It was amazing for starting tomatoes.
Now things are different. I have a south facing window - but only two side by side and some big trees in front of the windows. So we are going to see how this goes. Might be a bit of an experiment. But I'll keep you posted, and I can always buy a few seedlings at the nursery. At least this time I don't have to have my greenhouse in my tiny office. It's now in our spare bedroom (that's a Murphy bed in the photo. It's fantastic!!)
Just a reminder, though, if you are starting seeds for tomatoes or peppers, now is the time.